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Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Lib Dems have successes at important Council meeting

At the main council meeting where Ealing's Councillors meeting every 6 weeks to discuss important issues a number of items were agreed that you might want to know about:

  • I gained some committments from the Council Leader about the Priory Community Centre in Acton that holds many community and local events each week. The Council wants to sell off the centre and move it elsewhere in Acton. I gained a committment that in the meantime important repairs for the toilets would be done; and if the Priory was moved the users would only pay hiring frees that are "reasonable" (the Council Leader said). Sadly Labour did not make a committment to ensure that if there was a move to other premises the user groups would get priority over room bookings given their history in the area.
  • The Labour party voted to shut the Albert Dane Community Centre (in Southall) which even the Council state provide a vital service for users in Ealing.

  • Both the Liberal Democrats and the Conservative parties voted for a reduction in Councillors' allowances. Labour disagreed! Shame on them in these tough difficult times for the Council. The savings in this move would have saved the Albert Dane Community Centre.
  • Liberal Democrats gained a U-turn in the Council so that their LDF (Local Development Framework) consultation will be extended to the end of November. This means there will be more time for the Council to gain the views of residents, businesses and local community groups about what types of developments will be allowed in the area (eg tall buildings).
  • In reaction to the Council ramping up their CPZ charges I suggested that the Council introduce a vistors permit for carers and medical staff so that those in most need (those who have illnesses or need carers to visit them) could do so without being charged a fortune. Labour voted against the Lib Dem plan.
  • Lastly a surprised Council meeting heard the Tory Leader make a statement relating to that someone in his own politial party had fraudulently gained signitures for an important petition about Council housing. The Tory leader stated that the police were investigating the eledged offences.

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