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Sunday, 14 November 2010

A Mayoral charity event in Hounslow

Last night I attended a fund-raising event which the Mayor of Ealing, Councillor Rajinder Mann, was hosting in Hounslow.

The event started at 7pm and finished midnight! The recipients of the money raised (through ticket sales and the raffle) are to go to Age Concern Ealing and Ealing Association for the Blind. It was a great night where the (Indian) food was wonderful. There were bollywood dancers, singing and some speeches (an event with politicians usually means a speech or two!).

I was lucky enough to be on the table with Denyse Whillier, the Chief Exec of Age Concern Ealing who spoke about the great work their organisation do. In times where our country has been in financial turmoil, I think we all should try to help, even in a small way, others who are in more need than ourselves.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Ealing Council has no leadership on reducing waste

I attended Ealing Council's cabinet meeting tonight and two interesting things occured...

The first was that the Conservative party didn't attend. It wasn't obvious whether they forgot or went out to watch the football in the pub, but certainly the Labour party had a laugh at their expense.

The more inportant point was that when I asked a question about how Ealing Council was to reduce the amount of waste (household waste) that is created so less landfill is needed, the portfolio holder Bassam Mahfouz seemed to show little leadership or ideas.

It is good to recycle waste but better to stop waste being created in the first place. The Liberal Democrats believe more emphasis should occur in this area working with local businesses and other industry in the area to reduce waste like plastics and cardboard. They need to work on this area for sure.

Monday, 1 November 2010

Go and see comedian Mark Thomas

If you like comedians who not only make you laugh, but have a real ethical set of principles then Mark Thomas is for you.

I have been lucky to see him live over the years but tonight the gig took place in a tiny, dark location in Camden. However it made the event even better. The topic was about a ramble in the Middle East where he walked the entire length of the Israeli Separation Barrier crossing, between the Israeli and the Palestinian side. As Mark said: "It is a story of 300 000 settlers; a 750 km wall; six arrests, one stoning; too much humuus and a simple question...can you ever get away from it all with a good walk?"

It is wonderful to see a comedian making you laugh at what is a complex political issue. Comedy is about the funny things we do or say and he gets across a serious, important message while making you laugh about events along a journey.

Free up an evening and make a visit to see him. Check out: