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Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Piccadilly Line meeting at City Hall

Yesterday morning I attended a meeting about tube issues at Turnham Green station in Chiswick, with Transport for London representatives and Caroline Pidgeon, the London Lib Dem Leader.

Part of the meeting was not so good as TfL continue to block ideas to have the Picadilly Line tubes stopping all day or on Sunday. They showed figures which indicate that more people (further West or East) benefit from the tube not stopping at Turnham Green than those at Turnham Green even if the total time saved or lost to journey times is used.

However despite this, three positives came from the meeting. Your Liberal Democrat Councillors got the following commitments from London Transport:

  • To monitor the number of customers at Turnham Green station and local planning applications to review whether there is now a case for the Piccadilly Line to stop more frequently at Turnham Green.
  • To ensure that when passengers are travelling from Central London the driver makes an announcement to state if the tube will or will not be stopping at Turnham Green when it is the late evening or early morning. If you find examples of this please let us know the date and time at:
  • Lastly and potentially most promising there will be extra District line trains in the evening peak from December. This should help reduce the wait for passengers.

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