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Saturday, 1 October 2011

Why Brian Paddick should be the next London Mayor

Quite simply he is someone of character and good judgement. He served for a long time in the Met police and has been correct when speaking about the recent riots as well as the NOTW phone hacking scandals.

And secondly London deserves someone serious who takes the job as his priority. Boris thinks that the role of Londoon'd Mayor is to have a laugh. When the riots occured I recall he took a long time to visit the traders who suffered so badly. And Ken - well he is yesterday's man. And listening to him speak now he appears to be acting with a nasty tone in his voice. He doesn't cut the mustard.

Brian Paddick is someone who has a strong record on policing and is someone who knows what needs fixing in the Met. Less waste on administration and paperwork and more police on the streets. Also Brian is pointing to ensuring that all residents in London have a fairer time whether that be housing, education or other aspects of life. The Lib Dem idea that the coalition government put forward, the Pupil Premium, is working to help the education of our children.

A vote for Brian Paddick next May will be a vote for action to reduce inequalities.

Check him out at: @brianpaddick and

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