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Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Southfield Wins Council Recycling Prize Money

The Council announced the winning wards following their Recycling Rewards Scheme today.

The ward where I am Councillor, Southfield, came joint SECOND to neighboring ward South Acton, after it increased its recycling rate by 4.1%

This means that Southfield ward will receive £20,000 to fund initiatives to further increase recycling or other environmental improvements. The increase was due to increasing the recycling rate of green box, white bags and food waste containers.

Southfield Councillor Gary Malcolm said: “The Liberal Democrats want to see as many residents as possible recycle. It is very encouraging that so many residents are recycling more often. The £20,000 we have won will be spent on local environmental improvements including initiatives to further increase recycling. If you have any ideas of what the money might be spent on please email me or send me a tweet via @CllrGaryMalcolm.”

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