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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

The wheels go around at a cycling meeting tonight

I attended a meeting tonight where a couple of transport officers and a number of cycling campaigners and a lady from Transport for London discussed a lot of cycling issues.

The main items was a possible "Ealing Broadway Cycling Hub" located outside Ealing Broadway station on the edge of Haven Green.

The idea is to use some money from Transport for London to double the number of cycling racks whilst ensuring that bikes left can be done so safely (using CCTVand secure metal racks). I asked whether any of Haven Green (the grass) will be lost. The answer "No" was given.

Possible alterations will be made to the taxi areas to enable a space for the extra cycle racks as well as providing a new building where taxi drivers can go to the toilet.

Although the ideas are not firmed up it appears it could be a way to perusade more people to cycle. We await more detailed plans to see the designs etc. but I hope the plan comes off.

But on a related point there is still so much opportunity for the Council to push for a better transport interchange at Ealing Broadway station.

Then the lights in the meeting room went off. Sadly we had to end the meeting early.

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