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Saturday, 10 September 2011

Councillor Malcolm Attended the Southfield Park Triangle Residents' Association Meeting

Whilst many watched Ealing in the rugby world cup this morning I attended a local residents' meeting. In order the following issues were discussed:

The police spoke about three matters -:

1) they introduced a new member of the team (PCSO Emma Green)
2) That the long-standing Seargant (Helene Holloway) has been moved to another ward in Ealing. Her replacement is Seargeant Sergeant Darren Gray.
3) That the Police have gained new powers to clear gangs from Southfield Rec and Acton Green. Please check out this link for more information:

The contact details of the Southfield police team are: Phone: 020 8721 2946 / 07879 694814 or Email:

And here the link shows the full team:

Then it was mentioned that the Southfield ward forum was coming up soon. It is Tuesday 27th Sept from 7.30 at Carloton Road Day Centre, W4. I will be chairing the meeting where we will be discussing some issues relating to spending some of the committee's budget on items to improve the area and make it safer. One topic that will be discussed will be whether it is a good idea to install lights in Southfield Rec. Currently there are no lights and residents do not feel safe to cross the Rec.

Lastly the Thames Tunnel issue was discussed. It was reported by the Chair that the Council had not been very helpful on this matter until recently. The project is where a tunnel will be built under the Thames to help reduce pollution / waste getting into the Thames (occurs more when there is bad whether). To do this they will be installing lots of tunnels, a storm tank and ventalation shafts which are apparently 15 metres tall.

There will be a meeting organised in early October (the 6th) in the Scouts Hut where Thames Tunnel project team will be able to answer questions about the latest project. It appears that the decision has privately been made to site the Storm Tank in the border of Acton and Chiswick. Residents also want to make sure that any works do not disturb them. It is possible from a letter on the subject that some properties might be compulsory purchased but we have not heard a definite statement on this matter.

Check this link out to read more:

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