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Tuesday, 13 September 2011

If you live in Acton or Chiswick come to the police AGM

The Southfield police forum (which is made up of residents, local councillors, police) are having their Annual meeting on Wed 28th September from 7pm at the Carlton Road Day Centre, Carlton Road, W4.

The meeting will report on a number of local police matters concerning Chiswick and Acton that have happened over the past year. A new committee will be elected (each year some stand down) and so volunteers are needed. You can ask the local police team questions. They will give you advice on reducing crime. There are only four meetings a year so it isn't hard work (sometimes we even have fun!)

The residents who attend really can easily make a lot of difference as residents can direct the police into spending their time on particular projects or issues.

It is easy to get to using the E3 bus or a 10 minute walk from Turnham Green tube station.

If you want more information about the meeting please email me via or Tweet me at  @CllrGaryMalcolm or call me on 07813 205218.

It would be great to see you. Please pass on to whoever you think might be interested.

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